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Karen with her felted purse- done in Cascade 220 heathers
Channie in her Polar Vortex cowl whipped up in Cascade Magnum
Lisa's Polar Vortex Cowl
Polar Vortex Cowl in Cascade Magnum
Lorraine's Summerflies in Tosh dk lite
Lorraines' Summerflies Shawl in Madelinetosh dk Light
the Long & Short of it
Rhoda & Terri styling' their Churchmouse Simple Straight Skirts...
Amy's Summer Flies Shawl in Fino by Manos
sharing is caring ;)
Cindy's beautiful Oritatami done in Shibui Pebble
Kathy's Mountain High in Modern Cotton
We Love Kath's Mountain High!
You too, can join the Mountain High KAL-this one is a keeper!
just in time!
Marilyn used Cascade Yarns Magnum for her Polar Vortex Cowl and Linda's Drop Stitch Cowl is done up in Misti International Inc.Alpaca.
Mary's Back Bay Poncho in Malabrigo Rasta
Another Poncho #8 by Cindy!
Ponch #8
Cindy finishes another Poncho #8
Abbie's Steeked Icelandic Sweater
After the eek of the Steek, Abbie had an assist from Diana, who added a crab stitch crochet edge and inserted the zipper. Bravo!
Rhoda in her Noelle Capelet
Team Mix 31
a round of applause for the Mix31 squad!